Release & Assumption of Risk

1. I acknowledge that I have voluntarily participating in this trip, and in consideration of being permitted to participate in such trip, do voluntarily execute this "Release and Assumption of Risk" in behalf of myself, my heirs and next of kin, my personal representatives and my estate. 
2. I acknowledge that I have been fully informed of the nature, scope and demands of the trip, and that I am in good physical condition and have met all of the prerequisites required for participation in this activity.
3. I understand that this activity may include rigorous outdoor activities under variable environmental conditions and that there are a number of inherent risks involved in the activity which are beyond the control of the sponsoring agency or its staff and I agree to personally assume and appreciate such risks. Some of the dangers and risks which may be present or occur include, but are not limited to: Hypothermia, fatigue, drowning, falls, collision with objects, unexpected weather changes, accidents or illness in remote places without medical facilities, and possibility of not returning within the designated time period. 
4. I understand that every care and attention will be given to the health and comfort of the participants, but the sponsoring agency or its staff cannot be held liable for any injuries sustained which were not directly caused by their failure to take due care. 
5. I hereby authorize the leader of the activity to secure such medical advice and services as may be deemed necessary for the health and safety of myself (or my son/daughter/ward) and I agree to accept financial responsibility: 
a. where the health and well-being of the applicant is involved, 
b. where all attempts to contact the parent or guardian have failed or where due to the nature of the emergency there is insufficient time to contact such parent or guardian. It shall be at the discretion of the leader of the activity as to what action must be taken for the welfare and safety of the applicant. 
6. I accept and assume full responsibility for all harm and injury, of every nature, including death, which may occur to me or which I may suffer, and for all damages or loss to any personal property or property issued to me while I am participating in the activity and, in furtherance thereof, I agree to indemnify and hold the guide harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action, on account of damage to personal property, or my personal injury, or death, which may occur or result directly or indirectly from my participation in the activity, and which results from causes beyond the control of and without the fault or negligence of the guide. 
7. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations imposed on participants by the guide.
8. I agree that I will be cooperative and helpful to and with all other participants in the trip and will not be disruptive of the objectives established for this trip or as may be designated by the guide or group consensus. 
9. I declare that I am in good physical health and believe that I am able, without reservation or limiting conditions, to physically withstand and cope with the indicated rigors of this program. 
10. I agree that this "Release and Assumption of Risk" shall be construed and interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Maine, and if any portion thereof is held invalid, I agree that the remainder shall continue in full force and effect. 
11.   I hereby authorize and give full consent the guide to copyright or publish all photographs in which I, the undersigned, appear while enrolled as a participant in any of their trips.